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Opening Hours
Mon - Friday: 8AM - 5PM



Physiotherapy Services

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function to as near normal as possible when someone is affected by injury, illness or by developmental or other disability.  This may be the definition of physiotherapy but what is it really?  Here at West Point we assess your injury by looking at what causes your pain and restriction.  We will explain your injury to you and then use evidence based, tried and tested techniques to resolve it.

Conditions We Treat

At the practice we are able to treat the following conditions:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries
  • Back & Neck Pain
  • Whiplash
  • Joint & Muscle problems
  • Rehabilitation after fractures & Surgery
  • Work Related Upper Limb disorders

In addition we can provide:

  • Back Care Workshops
  • Acupuncture
  • Onsite Ergonomic Assessment
  • Sports Massage

How We Treat

The initial assessment will be completed and you will be treated with manual techniques to alleviate pain, release muscle tension and free the joint stiffness.
Here at West Point Practice we are not only looking to alleviate your symptoms we want to know why you've got those symptoms. By assessing the injury and then the surrounding joints, stability and your sports technique or daily living habits it will enable us to establish the route cause of your injury. Treatment may not be purely carried out within the clinic. For example, your work station may turn out to be the route cause of your problem. It may be that it is designed for you to fit it but not for it to fit you. We can offer a thorough onsite work station assessment where we can advise on the set up, your posture and any additional equipment you may require. By addressing all these factor this will in turn prevent recurrent injury.


  • Initial Consultation - £55
  • Follow Up - £50

If you are wanting to use Private Health Insurance please contact the clinic for further details.

Your First Visit

The Initial consultation will last for up to one hour.  We will take a detailed history and examine the problem area and surrounding structures.  We will discuss our findings and an appropriate course of treatment with you.  You will also receive your first treament session.

  • If you have any x-rays, scan reports or consultants letter that are relevent please bring these to the appointment
  • If you are a sports person please bring any appropriate equipment such as shoes, golf clubs, tennis recquet etc
  • Please bring along appropriate clothing in order for us to examine the problem area effectively, such as a pair of shorts if examining a knee complaint etc.

Whilst we would like to think of physiotherapy as being the way to resolve all aches and pains this isn't always possible.  Should we feel you require further investigation or onward referral to a consultant we are ideally placed to do this.

Private Health Insurance

We are recognised by major insurance companies including BUPA, AXA PPP, Simply Health, AVIVA, Standard Life, Westfield and many more.  Please let us know which insurance company you will be claiming from when you book your appointment

If you are covered by Private Health Insurance and you wish to claim back the cost of your treatment you may need a letter from your GP.  Your Insurance company will provide guidance on this.  You also need to check your policy details regarding the level of benefit and if any policy excess applies.  Please bring your details with you for your first appointment.